Sunday, November 29, 2009

Presents from the Enemy

"A Warrior of Light does not accept presents from the enemy." Paulo Coelho
I read this statement on Paulo Coelho's blog this afternoon and it really made me think. What presents does the enemy offer? Which of these are we tempted to accept?

1. The Illusion of Peace. Faced with the choice between doing what you know is right and avoiding conflict, which do you choose? What compromises are you willing to make to avoid conflict with others? It isn't really peace, it's only a temporary illusion, the conflict is diverted for the moment, but not for good. Sooner or later you will have to face the truth or completely surrender. Real peace doesn't leave you with a heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach. The path of least resistance often leads in a circle.

2. Pride. The enemy of our souls is the king of pride. Pride comes packaged in beautiful wrappings with shiny bows. Taking credit for our good works, glorying in our accomplishments, and patting ourselves on the back for the success of our children all appear socially desirable, but underneath the pretty package the box is empty. When our children, or we, make mistakes, our pride crumbles and feelings of worthlessness rush in. Pride sets our self worth on a narrow pedestal which is far too easy to fall from.

3. Pleasure. In our quest for joy and happiness pleasure is often offered as a quick substitute. In the moment it feels good, and seems to meet our needs. Fleeting pleasure fades as quickly as ice cream melts on your tongue. What remains is the guilt and shame of a bloated soul. True happiness lingers, growing like a vine, in and out of all aspects of life.

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