Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Wisdom of Wilma

My mother in law, Wilma, passed away this week.  I have called her Mom since the day I met her, actually before I met her.  When we were getting to know each other over the phone, she asked me if I wanted to call her mom, since all the rest of the kids did.  There are many people that she did not give birth to that call her Mom, including countless missionaries that came through their door, friends of her kids, and many lost souls that came her way.  She wasn't trying to replace my mom, she was including me in her family.  She was taking me in, as one of her own.  She loved me before she ever saw my face.  She hugged me the first minute I saw her.  I love her, and I already miss her.

I have had a hard time finding my words this week.  I have felt the need to say something about this person that impacted my life in such a huge way.  My thoughts came together as they often do, in a list.  So here it is, a short list of some of the things I learned from Mom:

1. Never give up on those you love.
2. Love your spouse, no matter what.
3. Love your kids, no matter what.
4. Go to church, no matter what.
5. If you want it done right, let her do it. :)
6. Miracles are possible.
7. Never get in a checkout line with a male checker, they are the slowest.
8. It’s possible to deeply disagree with someone and still love them deeply.
9. Follow the Prophet, everyone else is suspect.
10. John Wayne is cool.
11. Grandchildren are not subject to the same rules as one’s own children.
12. Old movies, especially musicals, are the best.
13. Speak your mind.
14. Be true to your own convictions, especially in the face of opposition.
15. Love the ones your kids marry and treat them as your own.
16. Always buy the best quality you can afford.  The good stuff is worth it.
17. How to cook a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas stolens, Polish Sausage/potatoes/green beans & sauerkraut, and many other yummy things.
18. Where we come from is important.
19. The Temple is important.
20. If it’s not perfect, rip it out and start over.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


In the course of my life I have moved.  a LOT.  Frequently.  Usually every couple of years.  It's easier that way.  If you don't stay put too long, you don't accumulate too much stuff.  Instead of Spring cleaning, just move!  :) 

#iamanomad  #ishouldbegoodatthisbynow #iamnot #lookingatthebookshelfmakesmetwitch

My life is busier than I prefer on a normal day.  Throw moving into the mix and, well, it's a lot of stuff to do in a little bit of time.  Never mind that we had 45 days official notice.  It's still not enough time.  Not enough time to do it right anyway.  By right I mean, sort through all of your worldly possessions using the KonMarie method (read the book, it's amazing), eliminating all but those items you can't live without and those you don't absolutely love, neatly packing the remaining items in clearly marked, organized boxes, and cleaning as you go, so on moving day all that needs to be done is load the truck, sweep the floor, and turn in the keys.


#perfectionismkills  #highhopes #mightbeindenial #agirlcandream

The deadline for our move is November 3rd.  I've taken a car load of stuff to Savers the last 2 Saturdays.  I have filled our trash can a couple of times.  I have packed 5 boxes (1 of games, 1 of nick knacks, 1 of dog stuff, 1 of tax records, and 1 labeled "junk drawer".  Commendable progress, IF I HAD 4 WEEKS TO GO, NOT 2!!!!!!

#bettergetmybuttingear #ineedanarmyofclones #somuchstuff #procrastinationalsokills

Why, oh why, do we collect so, so, so much STUFF?????  We have been in this house for 5 and 1/2 years.  That is the longest I have ever, in my entire life, lived in one house.  Crazy, but true.  I can't even imagine how it would be for normal people that move only a few times in their life.  There is a lot of sort of good stuff, that might be useful sometime or another, but not today, lurking all over my house.  At this point there are 4 choices - 1. Return to Original Owner, 2. Donate, 3. Trash, or 4. Pack.

So far, here are some of the weird things I have found -

1. Empty mochi ice cream trays.  I think maybe I thought I could use them as molds for something.  Maybe I just didn't want to face the cold hard truth that the Bubbies were all gone.  Not sure, but, uh, they are in the trash can now.

2. Three complete sets of the Chronicles of Narnia, in paperback.  I know it's great literature, but for a family of Kindle and Audible users, why do we need 3 copies in actual print??  That's like 10 pounds in a box, and a lot of real estate on the book shelf. Savers is getting a couple.

3. BOXES of empty essential oil bottles.  I know they still smell great, there are minuscule drops of those precious oils clinging to the walls, but COME ON WENDY, what are you going to actually do with all of them???

4. About a thousand pens and pencils.  I always wondered where they were, all those pens and pencils I buy all the time, but can't seem to locate when I need one.  I swear I never see a pen run out of ink, or a pencil get sharpened all the way to the end, they just wander off.  I found them in boxes, drawers, bags, cabinets, bookshelves, and containers all over the house.  If I can manage to keep them from running off again, I may never have to buy another. I could even leave some to posterity in my will.  There are THAT many.

5. 7 pair of scissors, 4 metal rulers, 2 exacto knives, a graveyard of dead computers, so many cords to who-knows-what that I didn't count, 2 iPhone4 boxes (one with a completely unused cable and wall charger), 2 digital cameras (1 ancient relic, and 1 broken, battery-held-in-with-a-rubberband, lens-scratched piece of junk), and WAY too many baby clothes with a place cut out for a dog's tail ...... :)
#simplify #cantdothisagain #justsaynotojunk #lessreallyisbest #cantcarryallthisonmyback #mykidsarefunny #ilikegadgets #whatdoyoudowithdeadcomputersanyway

I have two weeks to go.  Fortunately, I have done the hardest part first - the junk drawerS are empty!!  I have also cleaned out the pantry, 3.5 bookshelves, my desk and entire office area, both bathrooms, the entryway catch all cabinet (The cabinet itself isn't making the cut for the new house.  I'm hoping if there isn't a piece of furniture sitting there with shelves and drawers to fill with junk, we will deal with that stuff rather than stashing it.  A girl can hope, right?), and about 1/3 of my closet.  I know there is a lot more to go, but I am hopeful, and I really have no choice.  Moving day will come and the stuff will go somewhere, sorted and organized, or not.

#readyornot #lifeisanadventure #imnotmovinganytrash #purgingisgoodforthesoul #anyoneneedaruler

Friday, July 31, 2015

2015 Has Been a Blur!!

SOOOOOOOOO much has happened so far in 2015!  It's kind of crazy to think I didn't blog about any of it.  Life moved to fast to stop and write I suppose.

Here are a few of the highlights:

Hermana Minks came home from Paraguay in April!  Yay!!

Matt and Quincie got engaged in May! Yay!!

Matt and Quincie got married in June!  Yay!
Everything was so beautiful, thanks to some super awesome, mega fantastic friends!

It was so awesome to have so much family here to help celebrate!  I wish we could all get together more often.  I have a wonderful family and I love them all so much!!