Monday, November 23, 2009

Give Said the Little Stream

Since sitting down to my computer this morning I have started this post at least 5 times. After writing a few lines I read it and then backspace it all. I just can't get the words to convey my thoughts this morning. My head is full of deep and conflicting thoughts. There are the thoughts on the surface of how long my list is for today, and all the other things I would like to put on that list, but don't dare. If my list gets longer than a page I tend to freak out and spend the day spinning my wheels. There are the carnal thoughts of food and how nice it would feel to climb back into bed and sleep another hour or two. Then there are the calm and quiet thoughts, the steady current of ideas flowing underneath all the swirling chaos. Those are the thoughts I want to nurture and cultivate. Those are the thoughts I want to share.

Imagine your life is a river. It starts high on a mountain top as a small but powerful stream. As time goes on you grow, and pick up speed. with the momentum of flowing forward you pick up a lot of debris. Dirt, rocks, leaves, branches, all kinds of stuff that muddy up your crystal clean water and slow down the flow. Occasionally you come to something so large, so steady that you have no choice but to go around it. You have to completely change course. Sometimes your life might even feel like white water rapids, tossing violently and crashing into immovable obstacles.

Alternately, the river of life can gently flow bringing new experiences and new views, at a comfortable pace. Picking up what's needful, and leaving behind evidence of your life in the sediment. Eventually flowing into the ocean or a lake to joining with others for a larger purpose.

This gentle flow is what I am after. I wish to gently flow through each new experience taking life as it comes without struggle. I love the Primary song, "Give Said the Little Stream". Where ever I go I want to leave the grass greener. I want to sing all through the days and give away all the good things I pick up along my journey.

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