Saturday, February 7, 2009

Testing Technology

I am ever fascinated with evolving technology. I am testing a new feature of blogger by publishing this blog entry via email. It is not a new feature for blogger, but a new discovery for me. If I like the way this works, I might post a little more often. I have often been sitting in traffic or waiting in a line and wanted to post my thoughts. This could be fun!


  1. Congrats you have have mentally upgraded to a new discovery. I'm still debating if I should ever try those RSS feed things. Have you tried them yet?

    Some of us old dogs don't like to learn new tricks. Congrats on being an adventurous one for us.

  2. RSS feeds are cool! They help you follow what you are really interested in without having to constantly search all over the web. They save time and keep you constantly updated.

    If you are an "old dog" then what does that make me???


Your thoughts?