Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Little Something You Can Do

If you leave your house, or turn on any form of media, you will be hit with a wave of negativity. The economy is in the tank. That isn't really news to most of us. All the regular people have been experiencing it for awhile now. At least now we don't have to feel like it is something we did personally, now it is just "the economy", not the consequences of our poor decisions, bad luck, or lack of talent. It's nice to have some nebulous entity to blame for our woes. Taking personal responsibility doesn't feel so good. In fact, it is down right depressing. Or is it?

If you accept the media message, then you are powerless, a victim of the whims of the global economy. If it is your fault, that means that you are powerful. All you need to do is start using your power for good, rather than evil. Or for success, rather than failure. You are powerful. You are intelligent, and have the ability to act for yourself. You are not a robot, and you are not a victim. Stand up and do something!

What to do? Well, here are a few small things that pretty much everyone can do.

1. Don't listen to all that negative crap. Turn it off. It isn't news and it doesn't help.

2. Be grateful for what you have. Make a list and think about it often. You might not have everything, but you have something, and I bet what you do have is pretty awesome.

3. Give. Pay your tithing, donate to a worthy cause, give your unused stuff to a thrifty store. Give a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement, to someone everyday.

4. Buy something, preferably from someone you know. If we all became customers of those we know, we would bless the lives of each other. We don't need the government to print more fake money to get the economy moving. Businesses need customers. If you own a business, isn't this what will save you? Isn't this how you pay the bills and make payroll? So, think about who you know that has a product or service that you can use, and become a customer. Here are some of my friends that you can buy something from in case you live in a cave and the only thing you do on the internet is read my blog. :-)

My cousin Amanda sells Avon. I will start with her because her name starts with A and so does her business, so alphabetically speaking, she is the obvious choice. I hadn't used Avon in years, but she took the time to send me an email a few weeks ago so I thought I would take a look. They sell a lot of products that I would normally buy at WalMart. I think WalMart has enough money. Amanda could probably make better use of my few dollars and WalMart would never miss me. They ship for free, even to Hawaii! That is a big deal and I won't soon forget it!! Here is a link to her website.

My good friend Tammy Dugaw sells Mary Kay. I have been using a few of their products for years, and again, I would rather buy from a friend. They recently changed their lipstick formula. It no longer tastes/smell like perfume. It is yummy! Here is a link to her website.

If you are looking for something special, like, say a belated Valentine's day gift, my friend Joella has a TON of beautiful jewelry on her site It is very affordable and good quality. Joella is awesome and it would directly benefit a real, American family if you bought something from her. She also does personalized adoption gifts. If you know someone who is adopting, her site is the best place to find a truly unique and thoughtful gift.

Joella is very enterprising, and has another site selling some really cool silk wraps. That site is at I own a few, and they are beautiful and fun to wear.

If you want to buy a Corvette, or maybe just a Corvette t-shirt, then go to My brother Rik will treat you right!

Cherie makes the most delicious home made jams, sauces and meat rubs. You can't go wrong with any of her products. Sweet Darling Jams are awesome! She ships anywhere, even to Hawaii! If you want a taste test I might be willing to share :-).

In various states, I know people that are massage therapists, hair stylists, run yoga studios, do photography, and create all kinds of beautiful things. There are opportunities everywhere to be a customer for someone that you know. Buying from our friends is the grass roots way to stimulate the economy. If you have a business, and I didn't include you in this blog, please post all the details in a comment. I want to include everyone. Let's take control of our mutual success and prosperity!


  1. I truly believe in what you are saying here in this blog and not just saying but also doing.

    You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
    Zig Ziglar

    If everyone actually starts to think what would happen if they changed everything around,and thought positive one would actually achieve it.

    I will be following your blog post a lot closer from now on. Really enjoyed your post

    God Bless you and your family!

  2. Well said and well done.

    It would be great to have a "bartering" group so that people who need something can barter with someone else for either goods or services. I have been looking for something like that for a long time. Why throw away something when you can trade it for something else. Someone else might need what you don't, etc.

    I would start that group, but I don't know how to do any of that. I don't have a blog or anything.

    Thanks for the uplifting words!
    Tammy Beckemeyer Houston

  3. Hi Tammy,

    There is yahoo group called Freecycle (like recycle, only free). Members post what they have to give away, and what they are looking for. It is pretty cool how it works out. Just what you are looking for is what someone else needs to get rid of.

    One of the common items I see posted are moving boxes. Some just moves in and empties all their boxes. They post them to give away. Someone else is getting ready to move and goes and picks them up. No waste of money or boxes.

    To find one in your city just to go and search in "groups" for freecycle.

    On organized system of barter would be great! You should do it!


  4. I 100% agree on the personal responsibility speech. That is what is wrong with our society.

    I'm officially a freecycle addict. I look everyday! I also have listed several times things I have that I no longer need.

    One thing I started doing is having a free-sale. I put a table out on the lawn clearly labeled that anything on it is for FREE. (I also tape several notes on the table saying do not take the table. You must do this or your table leaves!) So the next time you have get in that clean out this closet or that cupboard mood, immediately run all the stuff out to the table. Then anything left by nightfall gets tossed in a box off to the Thrift store. Less than 10% of stuff I put out there do I ever have to haul off. It helps my neighbors. Even those too vain to ask for help.

  5. Tif - you rock! We should all do the "free" table!


Your thoughts?