Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's Time for a Meeting

I have a lot of work right now, which is good, cause that means I will have a lot of income coming my way soon.  It is also good because it is important to me to have a purpose.  I need goals to accomplish, deadlines to meet, and stuff to do.  I've got plenty of stuff to do!

Large organizations have regular planning meetings.  They have a yearly plan, a quarterly plan, etc. I think I need to have a planning meeting with myself.  I have so many irons in the fire, the demands are varied, and scattered across the globe. I really need a plan.  I think my organization needs some revamping.  My inbox is out of control.  I can't stand it. I HATE to have anything unread, unfinished, or incomplete at the end of the day.

My task list isn't much better.  There are too many carry overs from days past.  Too many items hanging around down there at the bottom without a due date.  Without a deadline, they are in effect, dead.  They aren't going to get done.   They are just going to hang around down there mocking me, "nah nah nah, your work isn't done, look at us, we are still here waiting for your attention". I could just delete them all, or at leas assign them some due dates.

A clone would be nice.  Another me to do the stuff that I don't want to do, or can't seem to find the time to do. But then that clone would probably have some overly aggressive agenda of her own, and would just make the stupid list twice as long.

That's it, I've had it.  Before I do one more thing I am calling a meeting. Everyone has to be there, the president, treasure, secretary  - oh wait, those are all ME! At least the meeting will be easy to schedule - only one calendar to check.

If you're weary, it may not be from what you're doing. Your weariness could be caused by what you continue to put off doing. ~Ralph Marston

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