Saturday, February 16, 2013

Less Talk, More Do

I know it is February, and nearly the end of February at that.  January was just not the month for me to think deeply and make serious plans.  So, here I am in mid-February, formally stating my goals for the new year, which is already in progress.  So, better late than never, here are my goals for 2013. 

My theme for 2013 is, "Less Talk, More Do", pretty self explanatory. 

1.  Hike once a month.   Hiking makes me happy.  I love being outside, and seeing all the beauty of this island, particularly the things you cannot see from the road.  It feels great to make it to the top!  I also enjoy the conversations you can have while on the trail.  If you want to get to know someone, go hike a few miles with them.

2.  Become proficient at Hula.  When I dance, I feel joy.  Dancing Hula is a way of sharing that joy with others.  I am going to practice as much as necessary so that when I perform the audience sees the joy that I feel and are not distracted by the moves of a less than naturally graceful white girl. 

3. Read 50 books.  I need to read.  It keeps me entertained, and feeling connected to the world.  I love to learn new things, and reading is cheaper than tuition, and more flexible than going back to school.  Why 50?  It's more than I read last year, and I like a challenge.  It's slightly less than one book per week, and that seems completely possible to me, unless I get on another LOOOOOONG book kick, (ie. Atlas Shrugged, Middlemarch, Great Expectations, The Three Musketeers,  Don Quixote, etc.). 

Ok, here comes the big one, are you ready for it?  I saved the best for last.  If I say this out loud I am committed. 
4. Write my first book.  Yes, first, there will be more than one.  I will have a draft ready for the next step by my birthday.  I have been talking about this for too long, it's time to do it.  I have a desire, I have a goal, and I have a plan.  This is it, time to get serious.


  1. *squeal* May I please, pretty please, be an early reader??? :) I'm excited for you and the awesome year you have planned!!


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