Thursday, October 29, 2009

Strive vs. Struggle

A man is struggling to climb a mountain. Each step on the path is steep and rocky. His footing is unsure, sometimes he slides a little sideways, or even backwards, yet he labors onward. The higher he gets, the more ragged his breathing, as each lungful has less and less oxygen. His face is hard with concentration, and grimaced bracing for the pain of the next step, the next breath. Ever onward, ever pushing, ever climbing, ever suffering in the struggle to reach the top. When he arrives his body is spent, feet swollen, muscles aching, head pounding, exhausted, he collapses to the barren ground, gasping for air.

Our journey through life can be a struggle. It can be just like this man climbing the mountain, full of hard effort, set backs, pain, and finally achievement of our goals by the sheer force of our will to succeed. We can set our foot on the rocky path, and steel our hearts for the long, hard journey ahead, knowing it will be difficult and full of adversity. At the end of our days our bodies and souls are broken and spent, full of the scars of our struggle, diseased and in pain collapsing into death, hoping for rest in the next life.

On the other side of that same mountain is a man striving to climb the mountain. He has the same goal - to reach the summit. His path is equally as steep and the journey is long. He has invited his friends along, and they talk as they climb. At the most treacherous peak, he slips on the loose rocks and falls. His friends help him to his feet, placing him back on the safe path. They continue to strive onward, marveling at the beautiful vistas only visible from that altitude. As the air thins, the talking dwindles and the walking slows, but upward they strive. Breathing deeply, relaxing into the effort, letting their bodies set the pace. Going slowly they notice the rocks, before they trip. He is aware of the details of the great beauty all around, the plants the trees, the flowers and the rocks. As the man reaches the summit, he stands arm in arm with his friends, smiling into the warmth of the sun, surrounded by the majesty of all that lies below.

Our journey through life does not have to be a struggle. We can instead choose to strive for success with a smile on our face and loved ones at our side, enjoying the journey. Anticipate the joy and the beauty, rather than the pain and the difficulty. Aim high and strive with all your might to get there. But get there happy, and whole, surrounded by those you love.

"When we strive to become better than we were, everything around us becomes better too."
"When we love we always become better than we are."
Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist"

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