Friday, November 14, 2008

Defense - Phase II

I tried yelling at the birds. I don't think that did anything but cause the neighbors and my kids to question my sanity. I hung a wind chime near my little pot of tomatoes. I think the birds were afraid of it for about 15 minutes. Finally, I took Tiffany's advise and bought some net to protect my tomatoes from the birds. Thanks Tif, I think this one's gonna work!

A couple of weeks ago I bought a watermelon from the local farmer's market. It was a small, local variety that was very tasty. I saved a handful of seeds and planted them. 10-14 days later and Wa Lah! Watermelon sprouts! I think every seed sprouted! I am pleased. Their sand fortresses are in place, so hopefully the yucky slugs will leave them alone.


  1. To make a bigger garden...

    1. Buy one of these
    With a mesh roof. I'm sure somewhere they have them with a mesh roof.

    2.Use wood and build a 1-2 foot deep raised garden filling the whole meshed area with real slug free dirt. Put a line of sand/salt on the outside perimeter of your mesh fortress as extra precaution.

    3. Buys some pollinating bugs to live in your mesh fortress

    Only the wind can be your enemy now



Your thoughts?