Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ramblings on the Plane

I am so freakin bored!  It's killing me not to turn on my  phone.  I think I have a problem.... All I want to do is play a little scrabble.  What did I do before gadgets?  I used to read actual books.  What did I do with my hands?  Oh ya - turn pages ...
Just watched "Grown Ups".  It made me tear up.  Am I really that overly emotional?  I guess I just saw how they were all friends having fun with their kids.  I am determined to keep having fun.  All the stress is just pointless.  Something snapped inside of me this weekend.  The stress button just flipped off.  I am really just cool with letting things roll.

It's hard to say just what the trigger was, the straw that broke the camels back.  So much of significance has happened in the last week.  My grandfather Teusink passed away a week ago today.  For years I have worried about that day.  I always worried how my mom would handle it.  Turns out she's become a lot tougher than I knew. I wasn't able to be there with her.  I was in Colorado Springs at my Dad's  It was the first time I have seen him in about 6 years. [I don't want to write anymore]

This seat has a lot of room, but the arm rest is weird - can't use the left one unless you sit too far forward - strange ...

Watching Monk now - Bored!  Why do some people love this stuff so much?  It's just boring.  Where are the cell phones?  Cops, professionals locked in a bank vault and not a one has a cell phone or a radio???  See what I mean?  Stupid!!  Only a moron could find this engaging.

I've been praying for clarity for a few months now.  I want to see things as they really are.  I think it is starting to happen.  It's like a light has turned on.  Reality is not always easy to look at.  Sometimes the facade we create is much better looking, but much less useful.  I find it quite refreshing.  It's easier to love people.  Not because you ignore their faults, but because you embrace them with their faults.  Seeing people as they really are makes most of them much more lovable.

Observing so much of my family this weekend was so interesting and educational.  With four generations interacting, the patterns were evident, the connections from one to another weak or strong, shape the fabric of the whole.  Love is the bridge that covers the deep water of pain, ties the broken cords, mends the broken fence.

How easy it is to create a joyful experience with our open heart and clear vision.  Seeing through the bluster, the pure motives are laid bare.

[The sun is setting.   From the plane window the horizon is glowing pink - gorgeous!]

[Now they are showing 30 Rock - Nos so stupid.  Tina Fey is ok in my book - kinda reminds me of someone :)]

Did I mention that I hate saying good bye?  It really sucks.  I don't like crying - I cried this weekend - kind of a lot .... Sometimes love hurts.

Flying into the sunset.

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