Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sleepy Thoughts

My days start before the sun.  I love the look of the sky at 5am, it's a deep, dark blue, and the stars shine bright against that cool blueness.  The sun is rising somewhere and the black of night has warmed to a soothing blue.  The world is quiet at that hour, until my neighbor starts his Corvette about 5:10 and leaves for work.  The sound of that 1970's engine roaring to life brings back childhood memories for me..  It's not an unpleasant break in the silence.  Just like that, it is gone, and the silence returns.  By 6am the neighborhood is awake.  The runners, the dog walkers, the bus catchers, are all out on foot.  The cars are backing out and lining up at the hundred year light leaving the neighborhood.

Fifteen hours later, I am beat.  My head is fuzzy and my back hurts from sitting in this chair, staring at this screen all day.  Yet, still, I sit, and write these words.  Tonight in my feverish sleepiness I feel compelled to spill my thoughts out into the world.  My head feels crowded, too many thoughts getting all tangled up in there.  It's time to let a few out.

The sky is dark, and cloud covered, the air is still and sticky.  The humidity clinging like the hopelessly undone tasks of the day, refusing to let go, begging for one more moment's notice. The sound of distant TV's, dishwashers and A/C's blend into a form of silence. 

Tonight I am sleepy, easily lulled to sleep I looked without the filter for as long as I could today.  The sky trades sun for moon and my  eyes softly close into rest.

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