Saturday, April 23, 2011

27 days ...

On a quiet Sunday evening the sudden panic of a looming deadline came crashing in.  One month to go, and then this phase of my life comes to a close.  Like all deadlines of any significance, this one comes with lots of things to do, and permanent consequences for things left undone.  It's not like I didn't know it was coming.  It's a day that's been coming for years, the clock's been ticking since 1993.  Yet, here it is, and it feels sudden and rushed.

There's a lot to do int he next 27 days.  My mom comes in 20 day - aghhhh!  It would be great if my mom could come and help me get the house ready for my mom to come stay.  Wait, that doesn't work, oh well ....  
Announcement s need to be printed and mailed, same thing for the grad party invites.  Then there is planning and executing the actual events. Quincie has last minute homework and projects to finish.  It's the mad dash to the end. 

As our youngest child, graduation officially marks the end of an era.  It's been a great run, I must say!  I'd do it again, start to finish, all of it, and not change a thing, the good, the bad - just to have another chance to hold my tiny baby, giggle and play with my little girl, and marvel at each new thing she discovers and becomes.  If somehow, that wish could be granted, I would slow down a bit.  I would savor, rather than rush.  I would realize that soon enough it would be over and each moment is worth lingering over.  I really love being a mom. My kids are awesome.

In 27 days life is going to get pretty chill for awhile.  Summer vacation will be a slice of heaven.  I'm ready to be done with getting up before the sun, and I can't say that I'll miss all the driving up and down Ft. Weaver Road.  This summer will be great!    Then it's off to college she will go, and on to figuring out what I am going to do with an empty nest.

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