Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stuffed Peppers

Ingredients -
3-4 bell pepper (red, yellow or green)
1 pound of ground beef
3-4 Mini peppers diced - red,yellow,orange (optional)
1/2 cup diced onion
2 tsp. crushed garlic
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce
1 cup rice (I use brown rice - it is healthier, tastier, and mixed with sauce no one will notice)
Salt and pepper to taste

Method -
1. Prepare 1 cup of rice, in rice cooker or on stove top.
2. Cut bell peppers in half.  Carefully remove the stem area, and clean out the insides.
3. Line a 9 x 12 baking dish with foil.  Place the peppers in the pan open side up, like a cup.  Set the oven to 350 and place the pan with the peppers in the oven for 15 - 20  minutes while you prepare the meat mixture.
4. Brown the ground beef with onions, garlic, and diced mini peppers (optional).  Salt and pepper to taste.
5. Add the can of diced tomatoes, and tomato sauce to the meat mixture, and heat on med/low.
6. When rice is completely cooked, add to meat mixture.
7. Remove peppers from oven and fill with meat/rice mixture.  Spread any remaining mixture in the pan, around the peppers.
8. Bake at 350 for an additional 20-25 minutes until peppers are slightly soft and filling is heated through.

Serves 4 - 8

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