Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Theme

Blogger needs more theme templates, or I need to learn HTML. I used to like the look of my blog. I thought it was pretty, and unique. Then I started seeing that template everywhere. It wasn't unique at all. I tried changing around some of the colors, but it just ended up looking messy.

So, now it is basic black. I am not sure I like this all that much. At least it is uniform, and clean.

Please tell me if you know of a place where I can find more template choices for Blogger.


  1. I changed it again. Black was too depressing and it didn't go with my beach photos. I love the header pic I took near Waimea Bay and couldn't part with it. So, now I have the background the color of sand. What do you think?

  2. Wendy,
    I use templates from
    They have a lot of cute ones that are free!


Your thoughts?