Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Assortment

My mom asked me the other day if I had been reading much lately. I was surprised by the question. It seems like that is what I have been doing the most the last month or so. I started reading those crazy vampire love stories, and have been on a reading adventure ever since.

This week I read "To Have and Have Not" by Hemmingway. Awesome, amazing book - no wonder it is a classic. Now I am listening to "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". Not a classic, but it was a best seller and made into a movie.

The memorable reads from this summer have been -

1. The Three Musketeers (earned a spot in my top 10, all time favorites)
2. The Secret Life of Bees (excellent characters, good story, but kinda sad)
3. Atlas Shrugged (maintained it's spot in my top 10, all time favorites)
4. A Prisoner of Birth (something I would not have normally chosen, but very, very enjoyable)
5. A Summer in Tuscany (an American in Italy love story - off my usual path, but fun)
6. To Have and Have Not (adventure and deep thinking - no light weight author could pull that off)
7. Twilight (and the rest of that addictive series)

I ordered "Breaking Dawn", the last in the "Twilight" series from Amazon. I was looking for "The Silent Gondoliers" and "The Princess Bride". Neither one are available on Audible or at our public library. I ordered them on Amazon and to get the free shipping I needed to buy one more book. They are supposed to arrive on Friday. I can't decide which one I will read first. I think the vampires might win.


  1. Fun!! I still need to listen to Atlas Shrugged. I am still listening to The Pillars of Life.

  2. I am glad you read Three Musketeers - the book is MUCH much better than any of the movies made - well any of the Alexander Dumas books. They are my all time favorites!!!

  3. The Silent Gondoliers won! I read that book yesterday. It is short and very sweet! I loved it! Everyone should read it. Kids, and adults.


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