Thursday, July 23, 2009

In the Quest to be Headache Free

Headaches suck. Over the last year or so I have lessened the frequency and intensity of my personal suffering with the headache demon. Here is the list of what I have had success with in my quest to be headache free:

1. Caffeine - 100% eliminated from my diet. I used to LOVE Coke. It just tastes great! I was not addicted. I didn't drink it everyday. But it was my quick fix, go to solution when I felt a headache coming on. The only migraine prescription that ever worked for me included a large dose of caffeine along with a barbiturate. It definitely helps in the moment, but it perpetuates the problem. The rebound headaches create a wicked circle that is tough to break.

2. Sleep - Don't go cheap on sleep, and don't cheat yourself out of the hours you really need.

3. Water - Drink it, drink lots of it, and then drink a little more.

4. Eat - Low blood sugar does a number on me, and a bad headache is usually a part of it. Small meals, healthy snacks throughout the day make a big difference. If I skip a meal I can pretty much bet on a headache.

5. Gum - Don't chew it! The chewing motion, especially if you are like me and you chew with intensity, causes tension on your jaw muscles which can contribute to a headache. If your gum is sugar free, the aspartame can also add to the problem.

6. Aspartame - Don't eat, drink, or chew it! This chemical that is the artificial sweetener nutri sweet is just bad stuff. I have read studies liking it to multiple health problems, but from personal experience I can tell you it is bad, bad stuff and can cause a headache.

7. Exercise - If my head hurts, and I have done 1 through 6, I get up and go for a walk, or turn up the music and dance around. The good brain chemicals that come from exercise usually do the trick.

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