Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fear is the Joy Killer

Fearing pain intensifies it.
Fearing loss robs our joy.
Fearing failure assures it.
Pain comes, loss comes, and sometimes we fail.
Fear deserves no power. Deny its strength and it dies.
Love comes, joy comes, and often we succeed.
Expecting success provides it.
Seeking joy we create it.
Embrassing love intensifies it.


  1. Over a month ago I wrote down the title and a few words to this poem. I knew what I was thinking, but it had no form. Had I not written it down when the thought first occured I would not have written what I did today. The idea would have died. I doubt I would have even remembered having the idea. Hurah! for cognative distribution.

  2. Isn't that how it is. If a creative thought doesn't get written down it is almost impossible to rethink it. Love the poem!


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