Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Wisdom of Wilma

My mother in law, Wilma, passed away this week.  I have called her Mom since the day I met her, actually before I met her.  When we were getting to know each other over the phone, she asked me if I wanted to call her mom, since all the rest of the kids did.  There are many people that she did not give birth to that call her Mom, including countless missionaries that came through their door, friends of her kids, and many lost souls that came her way.  She wasn't trying to replace my mom, she was including me in her family.  She was taking me in, as one of her own.  She loved me before she ever saw my face.  She hugged me the first minute I saw her.  I love her, and I already miss her.

I have had a hard time finding my words this week.  I have felt the need to say something about this person that impacted my life in such a huge way.  My thoughts came together as they often do, in a list.  So here it is, a short list of some of the things I learned from Mom:

1. Never give up on those you love.
2. Love your spouse, no matter what.
3. Love your kids, no matter what.
4. Go to church, no matter what.
5. If you want it done right, let her do it. :)
6. Miracles are possible.
7. Never get in a checkout line with a male checker, they are the slowest.
8. It’s possible to deeply disagree with someone and still love them deeply.
9. Follow the Prophet, everyone else is suspect.
10. John Wayne is cool.
11. Grandchildren are not subject to the same rules as one’s own children.
12. Old movies, especially musicals, are the best.
13. Speak your mind.
14. Be true to your own convictions, especially in the face of opposition.
15. Love the ones your kids marry and treat them as your own.
16. Always buy the best quality you can afford.  The good stuff is worth it.
17. How to cook a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas stolens, Polish Sausage/potatoes/green beans & sauerkraut, and many other yummy things.
18. Where we come from is important.
19. The Temple is important.
20. If it’s not perfect, rip it out and start over.