NOTE: I wrote this months ago. I have no memory of any incident that would trigger for this line of thinking. I don't remember why I didn't hit the Publish button. So, what the heck, why leave this in draft format when it might just save the world. (ha ha - just kidding - I know that Mom is the only one that reads this anymore and she already knows how to be kind. Sorry to bore you Mom, this lesson is not for you, but for me.)
If you were to judge my life by this blog you would suppose that I have been on a long vacation, in a coma, or quite possibly dead. None of which are true. I'm here, alive and kicking. Just a little busy and uninspired or disinclined to be creative.
Today I am irritated. I'm tired, my sleep was interrupted and cut short last night, and my head hurts. It's probably not the best day to sit down and finally express myself, but oh well. Here it is -
I believe there is real power in our thoughts. It is important to remain in control and keep things positive. It does not improve relationships when our priority is to always be right. Our priority should be to be kind. The feelings between the parties involved are more important than who is correct, who is or isn't at fault, etc. There are no winners in the blame game.
I try really hard to do things right. I am diligent about being organized. I communicate important, and not so important (just ask my husband), information freely. I do not like to make mistakes, or forget to do something important. Even with all this effort, still, things go wrong, miscommunications happen, I forget and I screw up. I seriously hate it when that happens. But, do you know what I hate even more? I really, really hate it when I do it all right, and someone THINKS that I screwed up, when I didn't. It bugs me to no end when I am not at fault, yet another person thinks I am. Oh, the injustice of it all!
I imagine it all started in childhood, as most things do. I remember an instance from 3rd grade. I was a bit of teacher's pet, kiss up, book nerd in school. I was lots smaller than all my classmates, wore glasses and had absolutely no athletic ability. I had to use what I had to my best advantage. Anyway, one day we were taking a test, and some of the big, athletic popular kids that sat near me were trying to cheat off my test. I was being a bossy little jerk and wouldn't let them. The teacher hears the ruckus and comes over. We all get in trouble for cheating. The teacher starts calling parents. I run to the bathroom crying. I was so ANGRY that I would be in trouble. How could I be in trouble with the rest of those losers? I was the victim. I was the smart kid, the good kid, and they were the cheaters. I just couldn't stand the injustice of it all! The worst part was that no adults would listen to me. They wouldn't let me tell my story. They just lumped me in with the losers and assumed I was a party to their cheating scheme.
Finally, I worked up enough courage to speak up. I got LOUD! I got out of control! I was ANGRY and for possibly the first time in my life I was actually HEARD! The teacher did not call my parents. I think I scared the teachers a bit. I was pretty worked up over it all. I did not receive any punishment like those cheaters did. Justice was served!
I had justice for that day, but I didn't make any friends. I was still on the outside looking in. The teachers now thought of me as slightly unhinged. I did not make my situation any better, in fact, I made it worse.
Even now, when these situations arise it is super hard for me to not jump into defense mode. I am going to PROVE to you that I did it all right! The only problem with that is that the relationship gets damaged. Does it really matter if they didn't read the memo you so carefully wrote or listened to your detailed plan? No, what matters is if they feel understood, heard, and loved. Pointing out my innocence and their guilt does not create any warm fuzzies. It shuts down productive communication and throws up walls. If I push it I might succeed in proving my rightness, but I'll be alone in that rightness, my relationship will be damaged. It's not worth it. The cost is too high.
So, why this obsession with being right? My goodness, it is a powerful internal force! When we are in the right we demand justice. When we are in the wrong we beg for mercy. What we really long for is acceptance and love, even when we are wrong. Wouldn't it be great to be surrounded by people that we felt safe enough with to let our guard down and be ok with being wrong? That being right didn't matter? It's safe to take a risk and fail with an audience of true friends. Being flawed working towards better in an environment of acceptance and love sounds pretty awesome.
The only way to get there is to be that loving and accepting person to those around us. We have to let go of our personal need to be right, our defensiveness, our judgement of others and ourselves. We can create that type of environment, one attitude at a time. Don't get worked up, let it go and remember it is more important to be kind than it is to be correct.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Love and Money
I wrote this a while ago and it was posted elsewhere. I came across it tonight and thought it was a great way to start out the month of November, thinking about the law of the harvest, and gratitude.
I heard something interesting yesterday. The big 3 of life are 1.
Health 2. Wealth 3. Love, and not necessarily in that order. If you
have those 3, then life is pretty sweet. If one or more is messed up,
then, well, not so much. That isn't news, and not all that
interesting. What was interesting is this ....
If you are lacking wealth, you can't expect it to fall out of the sky and land in your lap. The way we get money, is through our interactions with other people, through relationships. If you are unemployed, who is going to hire you? A person is. If you have a job, you have to keep the boss happy. And who is the boss, yes, again, a person. If you own a business, you have to keep your customers happy. And who are customers? People.. Even if you are kid, you have to keep Mom and Pop happy to keep the allowance money flowing. Anyway you look at it, cash flows from person to person. So, if you are having money troubles, what you really have are people troubles.
Puts a whole interesting new spin on it for me. My brain has been analyzing my life in a whole new light the last 24 hours. Here are are some questions to ponder.
1. Do you think that you have to grovel for your pay?
2. Do you think that other people need their money more than they need to pay you?
3. Do you over pay for things?
4. Do you buy things to give you a sense of power?
5. Do you think you are over paid for your work?
6. Do you expect people to cheat you?
7. Do you think that the only way to get ahead is by being dishonest?
8. Do you think being poor is noble?
9. Do you know how to ask for what you want with confidence?
10. Do you know what it feels like to have more than enough for your ideal life?
Those are money issues, but at the heart of it all, it's about love. How so? Well, let me try and explain.
1. Do you think you have to grovel for your pay? (or any other physical need)
When we grovel, we debase ourselves. We grovel because we feel like the other person has power over us, that they are superior, and we are worth far less. This action comes from an extreme lack of self worth, a lack of love in the relationship with that person, and a lack of love for our self.
2. Do you think that other people need their money more than they need to pay you?
Are you willing to take less pay so the company can have more profit? Are you willing to work for less than you are worth because the customer can't afford your standard price? Are you willing to discount yourself, for the sole benefit of another? If you do, then you are trying to buy love and acceptance at the cost of your self respect. Everyone wants a good deal, but there is a line that should not be crossed. Why does their desire for a bargain out way your desire for an abundant life? There is a fair price, that is fair to all parties. If someone expects you to give more than is fair, they do not value you and giving in to their demands will not raise your standing with them, it will lower it.
3. Do you over pay for things?
Over paying is emotionally and energetically the same as working for too little. It is an attempt to buy acceptance and love. In a way you are are telling the company, or person you are dealing with, that you value them more than you value yourself. You are using your wealth to manipulate others into giving you what you want - respect, acceptance, inclusion, and ultimately love.
4. Do you buy things to give you a sense of power?
I remember when I was a kid and I had $3 in my pocket at McDonald's. I felt this amazing sense of power when I realized that I had the ability to purchase anything on the menu. (I know, this totally dates me, cause $3 won't buy you squat today). I felt very powerful, and just a little bit prideful, standing there like a big shot ordering my Big Mac, fries, shake, AND a hot apple pie. My parents almost never took us to McDonald's and they certainly never bought those silly apple pie things.
Seriously, do you every buy something expensive, or have your hair done, because you crave that feeling of power? When you walk into the store you know they have to put up with your crap because you are the one with the cash? How about taking your friends out to eat and paying for everyone, to give yourself a little boost in the ego? It's not the buying of nice things, or the treating your friends that is the problem, it is the WHY you do it that is the problem. Again, it comes down to love, or the lack there of.
5. Do you think you are over paid for your work?
Unless you really are being paid $100/hour to sit and watch TV, this is a false belief about your worth as a human being. Do you love yourself enough to just let the good stuff come your way, or are you always undermining your own success? Are you happy stuck in the muck, and afraid to let yourself rise above to where you really deserve to be? Who are you to determine what your services, skills, or expertise are worth to another? You might think it is easy, but to someone else it might just be priceless.
6. Do you expect people to cheat you?
If you expect people to cheat you, then you will be cheated. Expecting the worst, means you have very little regard for your fellow human beings, or yourself. You think the world is out to get you, and with that attitude, you are probably right. Expecting the worst in others leaves no room for love, or respect. At the root of thinking like this is the false belief that life is a zero sum game. It is not, there is plenty for all.
7. Do you think that the only way to get ahead is by being dishonest?
This is the other side of the same coin as expecting others to cheat you. At the core, it is the same false belief, that there is not enough for everyone to live abundantly. If you want some, you have to steal it from someone else, there isn't enough for both of you. Life is not a game of poker. You can get ahead without bluffing and hiding an ace up your sleeve. We can all win.
8. Do you think being poor is noble?
Believing that rich people are evil, and that if you are poor you are more righteous, is prideful. You are setting yourself above others. It doesn't matter what the reason is, if you think you are better than someone else, you are lacking in love. If you think it is noble to be poor, and you are working hard to get more income, you will either sabotage yourself into remaining poor, or come to hate yourself if you succeed at increasing your income. Being rich or poor does not make a person good or bad. It's about how you treat others.
9. Do you know how to ask for what you want with confidence?
It's important to know how to ask for what you want. If you have never been successful at asking for what you want, then you probably don't know how to do it right. I'm no expert here, but I think the key is feeling love and gratitude rather than fear and doubt. When your heart and mind are full of love and gratitude, you will exude confidence.
10. Do you know what it feels like to have more than enough for your ideal life?
If your life to this point has been a struggle, then you probably don't know what it feels like to have enough. It's hard to visualize, and bring to pass something with which you have no experience.
Even if you have had a life of financial troubles, you have had success at something. Remember that feeling, the feeling of success, and import it into your heart when you are thinking about your financial goals. It's ok to borrow those feelings of success from other areas of your life.
Just in case you were thinking that you have never had enough of anything you needed in your life, that you have always had to do without, here is a little exercise for you. Stop right now and take a deep breath, fill your lungs all the way up. Do you feel that? Your lungs are completely full, you couldn't possibly take in another breath. You have all the oxygen you need and what do you need more than air? Focus on that feeling of fullness, when you think about all your other needs.
What is the difference between oxygen, or sunlight, or food, or a house, or a big pile of money to God? It's all the same to Him. We have been abundantly provided for and it all comes from the same source. You are loved.
The Connection Between Love and Abundance
If you are lacking wealth, you can't expect it to fall out of the sky and land in your lap. The way we get money, is through our interactions with other people, through relationships. If you are unemployed, who is going to hire you? A person is. If you have a job, you have to keep the boss happy. And who is the boss, yes, again, a person. If you own a business, you have to keep your customers happy. And who are customers? People.. Even if you are kid, you have to keep Mom and Pop happy to keep the allowance money flowing. Anyway you look at it, cash flows from person to person. So, if you are having money troubles, what you really have are people troubles.
Puts a whole interesting new spin on it for me. My brain has been analyzing my life in a whole new light the last 24 hours. Here are are some questions to ponder.
1. Do you think that you have to grovel for your pay?
2. Do you think that other people need their money more than they need to pay you?
3. Do you over pay for things?
4. Do you buy things to give you a sense of power?
5. Do you think you are over paid for your work?
6. Do you expect people to cheat you?
7. Do you think that the only way to get ahead is by being dishonest?
8. Do you think being poor is noble?
9. Do you know how to ask for what you want with confidence?
10. Do you know what it feels like to have more than enough for your ideal life?
Those are money issues, but at the heart of it all, it's about love. How so? Well, let me try and explain.
1. Do you think you have to grovel for your pay? (or any other physical need)
When we grovel, we debase ourselves. We grovel because we feel like the other person has power over us, that they are superior, and we are worth far less. This action comes from an extreme lack of self worth, a lack of love in the relationship with that person, and a lack of love for our self.
2. Do you think that other people need their money more than they need to pay you?
Are you willing to take less pay so the company can have more profit? Are you willing to work for less than you are worth because the customer can't afford your standard price? Are you willing to discount yourself, for the sole benefit of another? If you do, then you are trying to buy love and acceptance at the cost of your self respect. Everyone wants a good deal, but there is a line that should not be crossed. Why does their desire for a bargain out way your desire for an abundant life? There is a fair price, that is fair to all parties. If someone expects you to give more than is fair, they do not value you and giving in to their demands will not raise your standing with them, it will lower it.
3. Do you over pay for things?
Over paying is emotionally and energetically the same as working for too little. It is an attempt to buy acceptance and love. In a way you are are telling the company, or person you are dealing with, that you value them more than you value yourself. You are using your wealth to manipulate others into giving you what you want - respect, acceptance, inclusion, and ultimately love.
4. Do you buy things to give you a sense of power?
I remember when I was a kid and I had $3 in my pocket at McDonald's. I felt this amazing sense of power when I realized that I had the ability to purchase anything on the menu. (I know, this totally dates me, cause $3 won't buy you squat today). I felt very powerful, and just a little bit prideful, standing there like a big shot ordering my Big Mac, fries, shake, AND a hot apple pie. My parents almost never took us to McDonald's and they certainly never bought those silly apple pie things.
Seriously, do you every buy something expensive, or have your hair done, because you crave that feeling of power? When you walk into the store you know they have to put up with your crap because you are the one with the cash? How about taking your friends out to eat and paying for everyone, to give yourself a little boost in the ego? It's not the buying of nice things, or the treating your friends that is the problem, it is the WHY you do it that is the problem. Again, it comes down to love, or the lack there of.
5. Do you think you are over paid for your work?
Unless you really are being paid $100/hour to sit and watch TV, this is a false belief about your worth as a human being. Do you love yourself enough to just let the good stuff come your way, or are you always undermining your own success? Are you happy stuck in the muck, and afraid to let yourself rise above to where you really deserve to be? Who are you to determine what your services, skills, or expertise are worth to another? You might think it is easy, but to someone else it might just be priceless.
6. Do you expect people to cheat you?
If you expect people to cheat you, then you will be cheated. Expecting the worst, means you have very little regard for your fellow human beings, or yourself. You think the world is out to get you, and with that attitude, you are probably right. Expecting the worst in others leaves no room for love, or respect. At the root of thinking like this is the false belief that life is a zero sum game. It is not, there is plenty for all.
7. Do you think that the only way to get ahead is by being dishonest?
This is the other side of the same coin as expecting others to cheat you. At the core, it is the same false belief, that there is not enough for everyone to live abundantly. If you want some, you have to steal it from someone else, there isn't enough for both of you. Life is not a game of poker. You can get ahead without bluffing and hiding an ace up your sleeve. We can all win.
8. Do you think being poor is noble?
Believing that rich people are evil, and that if you are poor you are more righteous, is prideful. You are setting yourself above others. It doesn't matter what the reason is, if you think you are better than someone else, you are lacking in love. If you think it is noble to be poor, and you are working hard to get more income, you will either sabotage yourself into remaining poor, or come to hate yourself if you succeed at increasing your income. Being rich or poor does not make a person good or bad. It's about how you treat others.
9. Do you know how to ask for what you want with confidence?
It's important to know how to ask for what you want. If you have never been successful at asking for what you want, then you probably don't know how to do it right. I'm no expert here, but I think the key is feeling love and gratitude rather than fear and doubt. When your heart and mind are full of love and gratitude, you will exude confidence.
10. Do you know what it feels like to have more than enough for your ideal life?
If your life to this point has been a struggle, then you probably don't know what it feels like to have enough. It's hard to visualize, and bring to pass something with which you have no experience.
Even if you have had a life of financial troubles, you have had success at something. Remember that feeling, the feeling of success, and import it into your heart when you are thinking about your financial goals. It's ok to borrow those feelings of success from other areas of your life.
Just in case you were thinking that you have never had enough of anything you needed in your life, that you have always had to do without, here is a little exercise for you. Stop right now and take a deep breath, fill your lungs all the way up. Do you feel that? Your lungs are completely full, you couldn't possibly take in another breath. You have all the oxygen you need and what do you need more than air? Focus on that feeling of fullness, when you think about all your other needs.
What is the difference between oxygen, or sunlight, or food, or a house, or a big pile of money to God? It's all the same to Him. We have been abundantly provided for and it all comes from the same source. You are loved.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
By Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Coconut Lime Sugar Scrub Cubes
Taylor and I got crafty the other day and made these coconut lime, sugar scrub cubes. It isn't hard. If I can do it, anybody can do it.
I found a recipe for sugar scrub cubes on Pinterest and thought, "Hey those sound awesome!" I then proceeded to search for all the recipes on Pinterest for such things (there are many), and then to read all the awesome DIY blogs about said projects. Some said to use almond oil, others said coconut oil. Some said any bar soap, others said only use Ivory. Some said to use the microwave, others a double boiler. So, after many hours of reading, having become a theoretical expert on the subject, I decided to give it a whirl in the real world.
I LOVE coconut! It smells divine! So, that's what I decided to use. So many bloggers had trouble getting various bar soaps to melt that I decided to stick with the one sure fire bet - good old Ivory. I love the combination of lime and coconut, so why not? For the molds I used some half plastic, half silicone ice cube trays. They are TERRIBLE for making ice, but they worked pretty well for this project.
One batch made enough cubes to fill four 4oz. jars. I've been using them everyday and it makes my shower feel like a day at the spa! My skin feels so soft!
1. Coconut Oil (1/4 cup) - The real stuff that is a clear liquid at room temperature and a white solid when it gets cooler. The stuff that you cook with, that tastes all tropical delicious, is what you want. I bought mine at Costco and it was about $25 for 2 big jars of it.
2. Bar Soap (1 bar 4oz) - I used Ivory. It comes in 4 oz. bars, and one bar is the right amount for a batch of Sugar Scrub Cubes.
3. Sugar (1 cup) - Plain old, ordinary, granulated, white sugar.
4. Lime Essential Oil (10 drops or more if you like) - I love the way coconut and lime blend together. "You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up!" You could easily use any other essential oil that you like the smell of, or has a desired benefit for your skin.
1. Glass Bowl - This is going over a pan of boiling water or in the microwave to melt the soap and oil together.
2. Whisk
3. Cheese Grater or Ninja - Everyone should have their own Ninja, for kitchen tasks and home protection. haha
4. Measuring Cups
5. Molds - Silicone molds are best. If you don't have any you can use a square or rectangular plastic container and then when it is solid, cut it into cubes.
6. Mixing Spoon
Step 1: Shred up your bar of soap. The thought of grating it up like a block of cheese did not sound exciting to me, so I thought maybe I could use my Ninja. My Ninja is amazing, and can do just about anything, so why not? I googled it and, yep - I wasn't the first person with this idea. It worked wonderfully!
Step 2: Measure 1/4 cup of coconut oil (room temperature, liquid state) and pour it into a glass bowl with the shredded up bar of Ivory soap. Heat over a pan of boiling water, whisking until soap is melted and mixture is mostly smooth. (Alternate method: Heat 10 seconds at a time in the microwave, stirring between each 10 seconds of heating. Heat and stir until soap is melted and mixture is smooth.)



Step 3: Add 1 cup of granulated sugar and stir with a mixing spoon.
Step 4: Quickly press warm mixture into molds.

Step 5: Place in freezer for about 30 min until mixture has become solid.

Step 6: Remove from molds and cut into smaller cubes if desired. Place in glass jar or plastic bag.

Sugar scrub cubes can be used in the shower or at the sink. Crumble one cube into wet hands. Rub over hands, face and body to gently exfoliate and hydrate the skin. Rinse with clear water.
I really like the way it cleans my face. I don't use a lot of commercial skin care products due to sensitivity, and these work great!
I found a recipe for sugar scrub cubes on Pinterest and thought, "Hey those sound awesome!" I then proceeded to search for all the recipes on Pinterest for such things (there are many), and then to read all the awesome DIY blogs about said projects. Some said to use almond oil, others said coconut oil. Some said any bar soap, others said only use Ivory. Some said to use the microwave, others a double boiler. So, after many hours of reading, having become a theoretical expert on the subject, I decided to give it a whirl in the real world.
I LOVE coconut! It smells divine! So, that's what I decided to use. So many bloggers had trouble getting various bar soaps to melt that I decided to stick with the one sure fire bet - good old Ivory. I love the combination of lime and coconut, so why not? For the molds I used some half plastic, half silicone ice cube trays. They are TERRIBLE for making ice, but they worked pretty well for this project.
One batch made enough cubes to fill four 4oz. jars. I've been using them everyday and it makes my shower feel like a day at the spa! My skin feels so soft!
Refrigerated (left) Room Temperature (right) |
3. Sugar (1 cup) - Plain old, ordinary, granulated, white sugar.
4. Lime Essential Oil (10 drops or more if you like) - I love the way coconut and lime blend together. "You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up!" You could easily use any other essential oil that you like the smell of, or has a desired benefit for your skin.
1. Glass Bowl - This is going over a pan of boiling water or in the microwave to melt the soap and oil together.
2. Whisk
3. Cheese Grater or Ninja - Everyone should have their own Ninja, for kitchen tasks and home protection. haha
4. Measuring Cups
5. Molds - Silicone molds are best. If you don't have any you can use a square or rectangular plastic container and then when it is solid, cut it into cubes.
6. Mixing Spoon
Step 1: Shred up your bar of soap. The thought of grating it up like a block of cheese did not sound exciting to me, so I thought maybe I could use my Ninja. My Ninja is amazing, and can do just about anything, so why not? I googled it and, yep - I wasn't the first person with this idea. It worked wonderfully!
Step 2: Measure 1/4 cup of coconut oil (room temperature, liquid state) and pour it into a glass bowl with the shredded up bar of Ivory soap. Heat over a pan of boiling water, whisking until soap is melted and mixture is mostly smooth. (Alternate method: Heat 10 seconds at a time in the microwave, stirring between each 10 seconds of heating. Heat and stir until soap is melted and mixture is smooth.)
Step 3: Add 1 cup of granulated sugar and stir with a mixing spoon.
Step 4: Quickly press warm mixture into molds.
Step 5: Place in freezer for about 30 min until mixture has become solid.
Step 6: Remove from molds and cut into smaller cubes if desired. Place in glass jar or plastic bag.
Sugar scrub cubes can be used in the shower or at the sink. Crumble one cube into wet hands. Rub over hands, face and body to gently exfoliate and hydrate the skin. Rinse with clear water.
I really like the way it cleans my face. I don't use a lot of commercial skin care products due to sensitivity, and these work great!
Friday, February 28, 2014
For the Love of Freedom!
I love being self-employed. I love freedom. I am free to work where, when and wearing what I want. (If I am still in my pj's it is still morning, right?) I can take a day off without asking permission. (I never was good at asking permission.) I can work on the beach if I want to, but I usually don't. Sand and electronics are not a great mix. Besides, when I am at the beach I prefer to be playing, or sleeping, and not working. I am free to act. I am not hindered by all the many wheels of a large organization.
The truth of being successfully self-employed is that you work a LOT, especially at the beginning of a project or start up phase of a business. You are where the rubber meets the road. If it needs doing, you do it, or not, and suffer the consequences. The weight sits squarely on your shoulders. You can muster the strength and carry on, or shrug and let it roll. The choice is yours, and so are the ramifications of that choice.
I put in lots of hours focused on the hope of future profits. An entrepreneur is a person of great faith. You have to have faith in yourself, faith in your ideas, faith in your business partners, faith in your customers, faith in your methods, faith in the economy, faith in the world, and faith that your reasons for all this work are worth it. Faith in a loving God who is on my team sees me through when my faith in all the rest waivers. Unless you are a super hero, your faith will waiver.
Lots of blood, sweat and tears go into creating a business to call your own. Sometimes the profits come quickly and some times they don't. Sometimes your ideas are good and sometimes they just don't work. Sometimes you have to know when to call it quits and stop stacking deck chairs on the Titanic and just get in the life boat already. Sometimes your baby is ugly.
I LOVE my life! I LOVE FREEDOM! In my opinion and experience, it is worth the risk, crazy hours, and all the hard work.
There are potential streams of revenue all around us. It is easy to see the connection, and the natural progression of some of my business ventures. Others seem to be completely divergent. The one thing that they all share is ME. I love to explore new ideas and I hang on and fight to keep them alive.
Here are some of my current endeavors:
HIROahu - Professional home inspections on the island of Oahu.
Appraiser Aide - Data entry for real estate appraisers all over the US.
Essential Oils - Due to crazy rules and regulations, you will have to contact me for a private conversation about this one.
Life with Clarity - Energy healing using the SimplyHealed method.
The truth of being successfully self-employed is that you work a LOT, especially at the beginning of a project or start up phase of a business. You are where the rubber meets the road. If it needs doing, you do it, or not, and suffer the consequences. The weight sits squarely on your shoulders. You can muster the strength and carry on, or shrug and let it roll. The choice is yours, and so are the ramifications of that choice.
I put in lots of hours focused on the hope of future profits. An entrepreneur is a person of great faith. You have to have faith in yourself, faith in your ideas, faith in your business partners, faith in your customers, faith in your methods, faith in the economy, faith in the world, and faith that your reasons for all this work are worth it. Faith in a loving God who is on my team sees me through when my faith in all the rest waivers. Unless you are a super hero, your faith will waiver.
Lots of blood, sweat and tears go into creating a business to call your own. Sometimes the profits come quickly and some times they don't. Sometimes your ideas are good and sometimes they just don't work. Sometimes you have to know when to call it quits and stop stacking deck chairs on the Titanic and just get in the life boat already. Sometimes your baby is ugly.
I LOVE my life! I LOVE FREEDOM! In my opinion and experience, it is worth the risk, crazy hours, and all the hard work.
There are potential streams of revenue all around us. It is easy to see the connection, and the natural progression of some of my business ventures. Others seem to be completely divergent. The one thing that they all share is ME. I love to explore new ideas and I hang on and fight to keep them alive.
Here are some of my current endeavors:
HIROahu - Professional home inspections on the island of Oahu.
Appraiser Aide - Data entry for real estate appraisers all over the US.
Essential Oils - Due to crazy rules and regulations, you will have to contact me for a private conversation about this one.
Life with Clarity - Energy healing using the SimplyHealed method.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Hula Lives
My good friend Michelle invited me to start dancing in August of 2012 with Akala Dance Studio. I have come to love hula and love my hula sisters. Dancing clears my mind. It soothes my soul. It makes me happy.
We had our end of the season show on Saturday 2/22/14. The music we danced to is still playing in my mind, like the sound track of my day. It was awesome and sad. Michelle is moving soon, and the location where we have been practicing is closing. I will keep dancing, but it won't be the same. Hula makes me happy!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year 2014!
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