Once, when we were kids, Rik and I ate all the marshmallows out of a box of Lucky Charms. It was a new box. Our parents were out and we had a baby sitter. She was either too nice or too dumb. She didn't try to stop us. We got the box and sat on the couch picking out and eating just the marshmallows. When we were done there was nothing left but the cat food. That is what the actual cereal part looks like and what I have always called it.
About a week ago Quincie and I watched the movie "Martian Child". The little boy in that movie eats nothing but Lucky Charms - for every meal.
Then, on St. Patrick's Day Cindy posted those cute pics of Carter in his "I am Mom's Lucky Charm" shirt.
I have had them on my mind every since .....
Tonight I went to the store and bought a box, the big one, and ate 2 bowls for dinner. I thought about picking out all of the marshmallows and just eating them. I guess I am finally a grown up. I like it better with the marshmallows and the cat food all mixed up.